Terms and Conditions

Scope of Snow Blowing Service: B&M Lawn Services will snow blow your driveway when it reaches your contract snow trigger level. This is measured by the contractor at the pavement, not including drifts. Clients can expect that snow clearing will start after the snow event stops. When there is an exceptionally heavy snowfall over an extended time driveway service cleaning may be completed multiple times. Depending on the time of the snowfall, we attempt to service customers by 7:00 AM or 5:00 PM. Often times roadway snow plows fill driveways aprons with excess snow after driveways have been cleared. If this causes a hazard or inconvenience, kindly contact us and we will attempt to clear this within a reasonably agreed upon time frame. If you signed up for city sidewalks a second crew comes by to clean the sidewalks once the driveway tractor completes its service. The City of Fargo requires all city sidewalks cleared within 24 hours of the end of snow event.

Property Damage: The owner will report, in writing, any property damage caused by the contractor within 24 hours after the storm. Damage to grass will be observed and fixed in the spring. The contractor will repair any timely and properly reported property damage in the spring season. During the snow and ice management program season in which the property damage occurred. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the contractor will have no obligation, and the owner waives any damages for any property damage not timely and properly reported.

Limitation of Liability: The contractor will exercise reasonable care to avoid damage to pavement, curbs, trees, and shrubs. However, the contractor is not responsible for any: A) damage to landscaping caused by the piling of snow. B) Damage to items that are snow-covered or not visible. C) Damage caused by equipment when a tree, shrub, and sidewalk areas are not reasonably delineated due to snow accumulation. D) Personal injuries resulting from slip and fall accidents; and/or E) Acts of God, including but not limited to extraordinary weather conditions.

Indemnification: The owner shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the contractor, its owners, employees, and subcontractors from and against any and all claims, damages, reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses which the contractor incurs as a result of a claim or claims brought by the owner or any third party, arising out of any wrongdoing, negligence and/or breach of contract by the owner alleged or otherwise, or any Act of God, including but not limited to extraordinary weather conditions, that is related, in any manner whatsoever, to the premises or the owner’s involvement with the premises or the services, including but not limited to personal injuries resulting from slip and fall accidents.

Life of Agreement: This agreement is valid from the date it is signed until April 1st, of the snow season.

Hazards: The customer is aware that snow blowing or plowing may not clear their property to the bare pavement and that slippery conditions may prevail even after snow blowing or plowing. B&M Lawn Services assumes no responsibility for slip and fall accidents or vehicle accidents as a result of this naturally occurring condition.

Snow removal obstacles must be cleared before we start providing service for your property. Examples: ( planter boxes, pots, movable basketball hoops, Extension Cords.), etc.

Coverage Period: November 1st to March 31st. If you purchase after the start of the coverage period, your coverage period is from the date of purchase through March 31st. 

Payment: This service contract is not binding until full payment is received due to limited openings. Your payment must be received to lock in and guarantee services. Availability is on a first-come first-served basis. If payment terms are needed they must be agreed upon in writing by both parties prior to services starting. 

Contract Review and Acceptation: B & M Lawn and Snow Services, LLC must review the details and approve the contract for it to be binding. Upon approval, B &M will provide a letter of acceptance to the customer or contact the customer if there are any issues that may need to be discussed. 

Cost of Contract: The total cost of this contract depends on the options you choose during the sign up process. 

Non-Refundable Payments: Because we spend the money we collect on equipment, employees, and company overhead and enter into contracts with various vendors to provide you with excellent service, we cannot afford to refund anyone’s money without jeopardizing our financial stability. We have a duty to our customers, employees, and families to maintain a profitable company. 

The only exception where a refund will be issued is if B & M Lawn and Snow Services, LLC does not provide the services purchased under these terms and conditions and the customer agrees to notify B & M in writing of any areas where the terms and conditions are not being met and allow reasonable time for any issues to be corrected. 

Transferring to New Owner: If you sell the home, this service contract can be transferred to new owners. The new homeowners must read and agree to these terms and conditions for service to continue. 

Scope of Work: We agree to clear snow according to the service options you have selected and paid for. This contract covers snow blowing of residential driveways and city sidewalks as an optional add-on. No shoveling is included with any of these services. See the attached invoice or your receipt for the exact services purchased. 

What Time is Service Provided: We cannot guarantee service by a certain time because we have no control over the weather. Our service contracts are triggered automatically after 1 inch of snow has fallen in a 24 hour period. However, for most storms we do not begin making our rounds until the snow has completely stopped falling. Our approach to handling small storms, large storms, blizzards, and hazardous weather varies. Our methods vary depending on when the storm begins and how long it lasts. 

Storms: For most storms, we will wait until it has completely stopped snowing before we will begin making rounds. Most customers drive over the snow in these situations without incident. 

Example: If it starts snowing at 4am and by 7am it has only snowed about an inch but 2 more inches are predicted to fall and the storm should be over by 10am. It does not make sense to clear driveways before 10am and we will be out once the storm has concluded after 10am. 

Larger Storms: When there is an exceptionally heavy snowfall that extends over multiple days, we will make a single pass (for driveways only) once each day until the storm has completed. On the final day of the storm, our crews will wait until the storm has completed to make their final pass. Then, our city sidewalk crew will star their rounds after driveways have been completed. 

Blizzards: During severe weather conditions such as blizzards, high winds, and super low wind chills etc… it is likely that you will experience significant delays in service timing. During these storms, it is typical for businesses, schools, government offices, etc… to be shut down and the city plows tend to have trouble keeping even main roads open. In these situations, we work as hard as we can to get there as quickly as possible. You can expect any updates to be sent out via email. The best way to reach us during a storm is to email us at [email protected] 

Time of Service: The timing of service visits will vary from storm to storm. The contractor shall be permitted to remove snow from your property at any time. 

Timing of City Sidewalk Service: Although the snow blowing of our customer’s driveways can be provided both during and after the storms, depending on the situation, our city sidewalk crews always wait until after a storm has completely stopped before they will begin their rounds. In some cases, it may be necessary for them to wait until the driveway clearing has been completed before they can start working on the city sidewalks 

How We Handle Problems Out of Our Control: There are times during each season when we experience problems that can result in a delay. This can be due to equipment breakdowns or staffing issues. From our experience, we have learned that blizzards may tend to break or damage things and that they will happen when you least expect it. In the event of a delay due to situations beyond our control, we will keep you updated via email. We go out of our way to plan for every possible situation possible. You acknowledge that delays may occur from time to time and agree to be patient with us as we work hard to resolve any possible problems that may arise. This will not be your normal experience with us and we strive to provide top notch service. 

What is NOT Included: Application of salt, ice melt, ice removal, and driveway scraping are not included with services unless specifically purchased. 

Drifting Snow is NOT Included: Snow that drifts into your driveway after the service has been completed is not included. For an additional fee, we can make another trip to clear this snow if desired. 

All Snow is Not Removed: The goal of these services is to clear snow from the selected areas so that you may walk and drive on these surfaces. Snow blowers/throwers do not remove all snow from the surface. Small amounts of snow and ice can and will remain after services. Often snow that has been compacted by vehicle tracks will remain after our services. We do not guarantee your driveway and sidewalks will be cleaned all the way to the concrete. We do not guarantee a slip-free surface. 

The Berm: All driveway service contracts include a return pass to clear the ridge that city snow plows may leave in front of your driveway. It is the contract holder’s responsibility to contact us if the city plow comes after we have plowed and leaves a ridge blocking your driveway. 

Hazardous Working Conditions: We work in some harsh conditions; however, in extreme winds or whiteout conditions, we will wait until conditions improve to resume clearing driveways. All estimated time frames are null and void during these periods and service is provided as soon as working conditions are deemed safe. 

Acknowledgement: By purchasing the service contract you have selected, you agree to all terms herein outlined and set forth above. 

No refunds will be issued for unused time or service.